Мои дорогие посетители, я очень рада видеть вас на моей страничке. Я собрала небольшую коллекцию вышитых симпатичных картинок. Но этот блог я обновляю не часто, буду рада если вы посетите мой основной блог, в котором я показываю все свои работы.

My dear visitors, I am very glad to see you on my page. Here I collect some of my cute cross-stitched pictures. I don't update this blog so often, and I will be very happy if you find a little time to see my current journal here (my main blog). I also have several other thematic galleries. Anyway you are very welcome to visit any of my blogs.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


This bunny is from Russian cross-stitch magazine.

Curious Bunny

Counted Cross-Stitch
12 x 11 cm

This bunny likes to read the same as my daughter. I stitched it for her.

Smart Bunny

“Les Idées de Marianne” 5/1998
Counted Cross-Stitch
5 x 4.5 cm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are both very cute,they have a different look to American cute designs.